Nutrition educator Sushama Gokhale

A series on cancer and natural treatment

"Doing it yourself: Why you should step in before the doctor does"

"Why you should avoid root canals and cleanings"

Narrativizing illness & medicine

Columbia University has a Master of Science (MS) in Narrative Medicine.

As of the late 1990s, physicians like Rachel Naomi Remen and Rita Charon have argued that medical practice should be structured around the narratives of patients.

From the website:
"Health care and the illness experience are marked by uneasy and costly divides: between those in need who can access care and those who cannot, between health care professionals and patients, and between and among health care professionals themselves. Narrative medicine is an interdisciplinary field that challenges those divisions and seeks to bridge those divides. It addresses the need of patients and caregivers to voice their experience, to be heard and to be valued, and it acknowledges the power of narrative to change the way care is given and received."

Although it doesn't appear that they offer tuition remission with a TA-ship or research positions, it's exciting that ideas to infuse biomedical practice with the humanities are out there...


An herbalism that makes crucial connections...

Las Brujas Radio episode 9, Urban Herbalism

With Antonia, a member of Herban Cura:

"There's so much more to plants than just their beauty...every single plant has something special to it, it has its own history and it comes from somewhere else. It's an avenue to learn about history..."

She links "weeds" to "illegal aliens"; our society seeks to immigrate and eradicate both. She acknowledges the relationship between the exploitation of people and land.

Mindfulness with Jon Kabat-Zinn

"It's not about the breath, its about awareness. And the breath is simply a skillful means for, befriending this deep capacity of the heart and mind."

Awareness is "bigger than can hold thought itself."

Andrew Nugent-Head

There is no 'treating the spleen.' There is only treating the qi [energy]. 

"As long as we shift the relationship between what's blocked...and shift the flow of qi so it's balanced up and down. Strengthen what is weak,  weaken what is too strong and reckless,'ll get better. But the spleen didn't fix the problem. It was affecting the flow of qi that changed the pattern in the body so the disharmony went back to harmony. We create names to help up grasp something that is really un-graspable. The danger is, we then start treating the name ["spleen"]."

Visions of de-colonized 'traditional' African medicine

Susun Weed & the Wise Woman Tradition

“So in the Wise Woman Tradition, we don’t have high and low, good and bad, in an out, sick and well. We have always an ever-changing perfection that can be changed into still greater perfection…”

Don Emilio & His Little Doctors, Luis Eduardo Luna, 1982

Eliot Cowan's Plant Spirit Medicine

Judith Farquhar's ethnographic work on Traditional Chinese Medicine

Institution & the Wild Salvaging & Sorting Traditional Medicine in China, 2015

Integrating Alternative Medicine: Recent Chinese Experience, 2013

Franz Anton Mesmer & Animal Magnetism, 1734 - 1815

Reading about Mesmer and his techniques in medical historian Henri Ellenberger's The Discovery of the Unconscious: The History and Evolution of Dynamic Psychiatry (1970)

Contemporary Mediumship

Don Pedrito Jaramillo, The Faith Healer of Los Olmos

"His recetas were very simple and quite different from the complex cures used by other healers. To one he would prescribe three cups of water; to another three tepid baths; to yet another, one raw egg each morning for nine successive mornings. The numbers three and nine appeared frequently in many of his prescriptions."

"The following appeared in a local church bulletin - 'It is common knowledge Don Pedro, the famous healer of nearby Los looms, did much good and helped many persons in his life. We must remember that Don Pedro is not a recognized saint of the church. Therefore, he cannot be given veneration like that shown St. Martin or St. Jude. Statues should not be bought for use in home shrines" (The Faith Healer of Los Olmos 1972).

Faith healing / snake handling

"What were they doing with serpents in church? It seemed outlandish and crazy to me."

Without the snakes:

Amazon Healer, 1992

Stacey Langwick's work on traditional medicine in Tanzania

Home preparations for Mullein